Imagine, a powered hand cart that has the ability to lift or lower a package weighing several hundred pounds to the height of a truck bed or climbs a stair with a heavy load.  Now there is no more reason to Imagine!

Motor Assisted Handcart 



United States Patent:   6,123,162
Rodriguez, et. al.          Sept. 26, 2000

Hand truck with detachable power unit


A hand truck has a movable load platform that can be driven upwards and downwards by driving means associated with a readily detachable power unit. This allows an operator to place the hand truck on the ground adjacent a delivery truck, to raise the movable load platform so that it is level with the load bed of the delivery truck, to transfer a heavy package from the delivery truck to the hand truck, and then to lower the elevatable platform so that the loaded hand truck can be pushed across the ground. In addition, the detachable power unit provides a continuous track for urging the hand truck up or down stairs. The track preferably includes a plurality of step engaging members that are sized to firmly engage each tread of a set of stairs so the device is sure-footed.


Inventors: Rodriguez; Otto M. (3917 Americana Dr., Tampa, FL 33634); Lopez; Juan A. (120 King Arthur Ct., Fayetteville, GA 30214).
Appl. No.: 240,980
Filed: Jan. 29, 1999
Intl. Cl. :

Current U.S. Cl.:      B62D 51/06

Field of Search:        180/8.1-8.3, 9.22, 9.32, 19.1; 280/47.27, 47.131